Website Design in Miami, Florida

Smooth and easy. That's what our clients say about working with us. No matter how complicated your website design and development needs. Big Drop turns them into evidence-based, actionable plans that deliver your vision. Grow your customer base. Encourage engagement. And get you the results you want.

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We've earned some great
awards along the way.

Awwwards 15
The WEBBY awards 02

Experiences We've Created

How did we get to be the best web design company in Miami? Check out our selection of brand building, UX/UI strategy and web design and development projects for companies in the finance, healthcare, telecom and entertainment industries to see why.

Altice Mobile

Digital Marketing, Web Design, Website Development


Web Design, Website Development, Wordpress

Build California

Web Design, Website Development, WooCommerce, Wordpress


Web Design, Website Development, Wordpress

Our Capabilities

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Stakeholder/User Research & Discovery for Website Design in Miami

Before you can make a great Cuban sandwich, you need all the ingredients. Forget the Swiss cheese or the yellow mustard and it’s not going to satisfy anyone craving the real deal.

It’s the same with your web design and development. You need all the right ingredients if you want to satisfy your customers. But to figure out which pieces of the design and development puzzle you need, you first need to know the who, what and why of your website.

  • Who will be using your site?
  • Why will they be using it and what do they want to be able to do?
  • What do you want them to do?
  • What has been successful in the past and what do you want success to look like in the future?
  • What is stopping users from doing what they/you want on your website and how can we make it easier?

To get the answers to these questions, we’ll immerse ourselves fully in your industry and your business. We’ll analyze every bit of data we gather.

From the obvious to the not so obvious. We’ll double check your assumptions and challenge the status quo.

Think you know where your business is coming from? Or what’s keeping your sales in check? We’ll let the research speak for itself and adjust accordingly.

The research we do is the foundation for all our website services, from website design to mobile app development to social media marketing.

How does the research process work?

Our comprehensive research and discovery process includes talking with company stakeholders, conducting user research, examining acquisition channels and analyzing your competitors.

01. Stakeholders

  • Who are the stakeholders? Which company departments have website functionality needs?
  • What are your stakeholders’ key performance indicators? Lead generation? Higher engagement?

02. Acquisition

  • Where does your web traffic come from?
  • Are there other digital traffic sources we can take advantage of?

03. Users

  • Heat maps. Where do users enter the site? Where do they linger? Where do they exit?
  • Google Analytics. What is your site’s dwell time and bounce rate? How long does the site take to load? Does that correspond to user behavior?
  • User reviews. How satisfied are users with their site visit? Are they frustrated? Did they accomplish their goal? What do they say could be better?

04. Competitors

  • What are your competitors doing and what can we learn?
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UX/UI in Miami

Despite their casual beachy vibe, Miamians are demanding. They know what they want and they have high expectations

The same is true for your customers. The success of your online presence begins and ends with their user experience.

Want higher conversions and more onsite engagement? You need a user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) that’s easy-to-use and delivers on their expectations.

And that takes data and know-how. Not time wasted guessing what might or might not work.

At Big Drop, our web development Miami team has developed a time-tested, multi-faceted approach that gets to the heart of what your users need and how to get them there as quickly and efficiently as possible.

It’s just one of the reasons we offer the best web design in Miami.

How do we determine the optimal User Experience?

There are four components of a good user experience:

01. Usability

At Big Drop, we employ a suite of technical and analytical tools to research, interpret, map out and visualize the best user experience. One that meets your customer and stakeholder needs in as easy and intuitive a way as possible.

02. Visual Design

While UX goes well beyond pretty visuals, an attractive website always leaves a better impression on your users than an ugly site. We’ll ensure your site is pleasing to look at. And that the path you want customers to take is easy to see.

03. Accessibility

Can everyone use your site? Irregardless of special needs? The last thing you want is to leave potential customers out of the loop because the site was designed without accessibility features.

04. Speed

Site speed is one of the most influential factors when it comes to a good user experience. Slow sites leave customers frustrated.

Where does UI fit into the User Experience?

A good user interface is more than an appealing creative design. No amount of pretty graphics or high-tech special effects will help you if your customers can’t figure out how to use your site.

That’s where an intuitive user interface comes into play.

Ultimately, a good UI:

  • Looks great, but is focused on driving results
  • Feels natural to use
  • Provides easy-to-follow navigation
  • Operates without any problems

Our in-depth research process and understanding of what makes a good user experience, combined with our superb user interface design skills make us the best digital agency for high-caliber web development in Miami.

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Web Design in Miami

“We get compliments from everyone who sees our site.”

That’s the real — and common — feedback we get from our website design clients.

Your website is the cornerstone of your online presence. All roads lead to it.

That’s why Big Drop makes sure there’s data-driven research and strategy behind every piece of your site. From our aesthetic choices to the user-driven functionality to the cutting-edge technology we choose to power the site.

All while delivering on your vision and your goals.

What makes Big Drop an award-winning web design company?

Just want a pretty website design? Miami businesses are spoiled for choice. But skin-deep, nice looking websites aren’t why our clients choose us. And it’s not what’s won us more than 30 design awards.

At Big Drop, we go beyond the surface. Because we know a paint job isn’t enough. To win the hearts and minds of your customers you need more than just a pretty face. Our website design process takes into account the full range of your business and industry needs:

  • What are your business goals?
  • Who are your users and what do they need?
  • What is the fastest way to move users through their customer journey?

Everything starts with research and analysis. And the creative direction for the visual design? That comes last in our 5-step process.

How collaborative is the process?

As collaborative as you want it to be. We have the expertise and knowledge to lead your website development for you, but the best designs are always a result of a productive exchange of ideas.

We welcome your ideas and involvement from start to finish.

It’s your vision and goals that keep us on track. Whether we’re designing an entirely new brand for you. Or building a cutting-edge website with all the bells and whistles. Our goal is always to create the emotional connection you want your customers to have so that they take the actions you need them to take.

Are the sites you create mobile-friendly?

With more than 50% of all global traffic coming from mobile phones, we ensure your customers can use your site no matter what type of device they’re on.

Our guarantee to you: whether phone, laptop or desktop, your site will automatically resize — without losing your brand design, core content or critical functionality.

Working in an office in downtown Miami or checking out your website while dining on crab and fried green tomatoes at Joe’s Stone Crab, your customers will get the full experience.

When you’re ready, get in touch with us for the best web design in Miami.

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Web Development in Miami

What would Miami be without its beaches, Cubano heritage and Art Deco architecture?

Just like any other city, right?

But Miamians are too proud to be satisfied by “just like any other!” Not for their city, and certainly not for their websites.

We feel the same way and work hard to ensure your online presence is customized and one-of-a-kind.

Made for you, from the ground up

We start from square one with every piece of your website design and development. From the User Experience and information architecture to branding and creative design, and even adding on things like e-commerce or a mobile app.

Just looking for a simple update of your website design? Miami has other companies for that.

But if you want a professional, in-depth analysis of your company’s online presence, including who your users are and what you want them to do?

And then developing sophisticated and custom elements that deliver on your brand promise and drive business?

That’s what you get when you work with Big Drop. Our experienced and knowledgeable team of web designers, software developers, data analysts, social media specialists and mobile app developers, will give you a leg up over your competition.

We start with the Who, What, Why and How of your industry, business and key objectives.

01. Who – Our design and development process starts with defining and categorizing the needs of your users, including internal stakeholders, current customers and your target audience.

02. Why – We’ll dive deep into your industry, take a hard look at your competitors and interview your users to find out the why behind current best practices. And why some pieces of the puzzle drive business while others don’t.

03. What – Using the research to guide us, we’ll create a comprehensive blueprint that meets all your business objectives, including: what features you need, how you want the user journey to look, what the structure of the user interface needs to be and what to add on to drive conversions.

04. How – We’ll work on the how of your site throughout every phase of development so that by the time we get to execution, we’re ready to go.

Can Big Drop do e-commerce and mobile app development?

Does your website need e-commerce functionality? Would a mobile app help you reach more prospects?

We can get it done for you.

E-commerce: Whether your customers spend their days at the beach, work out of a spare room in their condo or are power lunching it at Gianni’s, you can provide them an in-store buying experience on the go.

But developing a super e-commerce site takes specialized expertise. You’ll need a flawless user interface, along with strong calls to action, mobile responsiveness and lightning-fast page load times.

As a top-rated web design agency in Miami, we make sure nothing falls through the cracks.

Need your site to sync up with Shopify, WooCommerce or Magento? Our software developers have the know-how to get it done including adding on abandoned cart and retargeted marketing tools.

Mobile Apps: Do your users conduct business on their phones? If so, a mobile app can help you connect, engage and, ultimately, increase conversions. Not sure what kind of app you need? Our mobile app developers have tons of ideas.

At Big Drop, you’ll find the best web development Miami has to offer. Take a look at how we’ve helped other companies.

Digital Marketing Services in Miami

Ever waited in line for a cinnamon roll at Knaus Berry Farms? If so, you know how large a following the place has.

Want to generate the same kind of buzz?

First thing’s first. You’ve got to get the word out. And to do that, you need a marketing team that’s perfected the art of connecting local businesses with the right people, at the right time, with the right message.

Whether you need a full-service digital agency for all of your social media marketing, SEM and SEO, email campaign and branding needs, or you’re looking for an extension of your in-house team, Big Drop can help.

We offer a cross-channel suite of customizable digital marketing solutions. Backed by data, driven by strategic planning and focused on your specific goals. Because we know, one size doesn’t fit all.

Our capabilities include:

  • Branding
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Content creation and marketing
  • Lead generation
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

Comprehensive, holistic marketing

Digital marketing is more than the sum of its parts.

Your customers don’t differentiate between marketing channels. That’s why an integrated approach to marketing is critical to your success. Your SEO needs to work in tandem with your branding. Your social media must complement your email marketing. Each one alone isn’t enough.

At Big Drop, we create comprehensive, multi-channel marketing plans so that you can capture, engage and convert your target audience.

Is your business focused only in Florida? We’ll create an effective local strategy whether you’re trying to reach local businesses or sell directly to consumers.

Do you have multiple audience segments? We’ll tailor your marketing campaigns to match each customer persona.

Don’t yet have an online presence beyond your website? We’ll build a robust multi-platform social media and content marketing plan to get you in front of new customers.

And we’ll do it all in a way that complements our award-winning website design.

It’s what makes us one of the best Miami web design agencies.

Our five-step approach combines in-depth user research with the best practices we’ve perfected over the past 8 years. And promises to get you in front of your ideal customer, build brand awareness, develop long-lasting relationships and increase per-customer ROI.

  1. Market Research
  2. Collaborate
  3. Strategize
  4. Execute
  5. Optimize

Ready to put your marketing dollars to good use? Team up with the best web design company in Miami by contacting us today.

Success Stories

Big Drop helped us reimagine our web presence. We collaborated on the best approach to using our website to attract visitors and capture leads. They were a true partner and listened while giving us the full benefit of their experience. We could not be happier with the finished product!
Chief Strategy Officer JConnelly
I have been working with Big Drop for about a year now, their redesign for our website was beautiful and interactive. Their project managers for both design and development were very easy to work with and had amazing response time for changes that needed to be made. I would highly recommend!
Digital Project Manager Moroccanoil
Undertaking the design and development of a new website is always a challenge, but Big Drop knows the process inside and out and steers their clients artfully. They were knowledgeable and made great recommendations based on users' habits and industry trends.
Marketing Manager Miller Kaplan

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I work with you instead of a web development company that only has a Miami office, like Anderson Collaborative?

Big Drop is a multi-channel web design and development company with a deep expertise in user research, visual design and holistic development that incorporates every aspect of your online presence.

We got our start designing websites and have earned more than 30 awards for our work. But we’re so much more than just a small business, web design company.

We’ve worked with South Florida-based companies like LaCroix Sparkling Water. Plus, having competed head-to-head with some of the largest web development agencies in New York City gives us an edge that’s allowed us to pick up nationally known clients like Eloan, Samsung Next, AMC, Citi and Dataiku.

Our Brickell City Centre office is located one block away from Downtown Miami. Want to know more about us? Let’s grab a bite to eat at nearby Cvi.che 105 and talk.

Can Big Drop maintain the websites it designs and develops?

Yes! We wouldn’t be one of the top companies for website development in Miami if we didn’t offer back-end support.

We’ll take care of the behind-the-scenes tech upkeep, so you can focus on what you do best. Serving your customers.

We offer ongoing website support and maintenance services and can help with any technical issue that arises.

Our monthly plans come in a variety of sizes that can include:

  • 24/7 web uptime, downtime and performance monitoring
  • Backups and plugin updates
  • Malware and virus scanning, and hacker protection
  • Link fixing and domain management
  • Page load speed issues

We can also provide web hosting and cloud-based database storage for your new website, giving you a one-stop shop experience for your entire online presence.

Which industries does Big Drop have experience working with?

The best web design company in Miami, Big Drop has worked with companies in many industries, from technology and healthcare to finance, telecom, retail, and media.

Our clients include Plantation, FL-based LaCroix, a best-selling brand of carbonated, flavored water, as well as Northwell Health, one of the largest healthcare systems in New York State.

Among our Fortune 500 clients, you’ll find Altice, a leading broadband Internet, phone, and cable provider for several states, along with Citigroup, one of the largest banks in the U.S.

We’re well-versed in the world of SaaS and have worked with cutting-edge tech companies exploring the world of machine learning and AI. We’ve worked with national wellness brands and some of New York City’s biggest media companies.

Some of our proudest moments come from helping NGOs make the world a better place. For Iberostar’s Wave of Change initiative, we created a brand strategy and website to showcase the company’s mission: to move beyond plastic and promote the responsible consumption of seafood and improve coastal health.

We're a medium-sized business with customers located only in South Florida. Do you offer localized marketing services?

Absolutely. Whether you want to target only a local or a national audience, or a mix of both, we can build a marketing plan that fits your needs.

We’ll start with building or amplifying your already existing local audiences on multiple social media channels to target for ad campaigns and post promotions. Then create a locally-focused content marketing campaign to add to the mix.

In a highly competitive market like South Florida, you’ll also want a Search Engine Marketing and Optimization plan that gets you in front of your ideal customer.

SEM is one of the fastest ways to grow your local business. We’ll show your ad to the right people at the right time to drive qualified traffic to your website, increasing your brand awareness and your opportunities for conversion.