• News and Trends

Navigating the Landscape of Product-Led Growth: Successes, Challenges, and the Path Forward

  • News and Trends, Privacy and Security

Biometric Transactions: The Digital Revolution and Its Ethical Boundaries

biometric security
  • News and Trends, Privacy and Security

The Rise of Biometric Security

Biometric security, a concept rooted in the uniqueness of an individual’s biological and behavioral characteristics, has made significant strides in recent years. From fingerprint recognition to facial scanning and voice…

Big tech's foray into finance is a data-driven revolution, where the DNA loop of user data, network effects, and user activity is reshaping the financial landscape."

— Kaity Ayuso Big Drop's Business Development Manager
  • Digital Marketing, News and Trends

Is PayPal the Key to More Conversions and Higher Spend?

  • News and Trends, Privacy and Security

Blockchain in Digital Advertising: Transforming Transparency and Accountability

  • Digital Marketing, News and Trends

Why Advertisers Should Shift Their Focus to Threads: Will Ad Money from Twitter Find a New Home?

Instagram’s new text-based conversation app, Threads, has captured the attention of advertisers and sparked discussions about the potential migration of ad budgets from Twitter to this emerging platform. As Threads…

influencer marketing
  • Digital Marketing, News and Trends

Checking in on Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing was a $16.4 billion industry in 2022 and has become one of the most effective ways for brands to reach their target audience and increase their brand awareness….

Blog Post: eCommerce Trends of 2023
  • Digital Marketing, News and Trends

eCommerce Trends of 2023

In the digital world, nearly every retail market has myriad options to consider to succeed online year over year. With a consistent increase in online shopping, eCommerce may very well…

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