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Checking in on Influencer Marketing

May 18, 2023
Digital Marketing
by Sydney Frenkel
influencer marketing

Influencer marketing was a $16.4 billion industry in 2022 and has become one of the most effective ways for brands to reach their target audience and increase their brand awareness. It has the ability to drive brand growth throughout the entire purchasing funnel, and numerous companies rely on both online and offline influencer strategies to create successful campaigns and have achieved exceptional results. It is safe to say, being able to comprehend social trends, and adapt influencer marketing strategies accordingly, will continue to yield a high rate of return for brands.

And, the benefits of Influencer Marketing can’t be argued with:

Benefits of Influencer Marketing

  • Increased Brand Awareness: Partnering with influencers can help brands reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.
  • Improved Trust and Credibility: Influencers are viewed as experts within their niche, and their endorsement can create trust and credibility with their followers.
  • Higher Engagement Rates: Influencers often have high engagement rates with their followers, which can lead to increased engagement with the brand’s products or services
  • Increased Sales: Influencer marketing can lead to increased sales for brands, as their followers are more likely to purchase products or services that are recommended by influencers they trust.
  • Cost-Effective: Influencer marketing can be a cost-effective way to reach a large audience, as brands can partner with influencers who have a smaller following at a lower cost.

Let’s dive into six influencer marketing trends that will shape the future digital landscape this year:

Long-Term Partnerships

Brands increasingly seek long-term partnerships with influencers to build a more authentic and lasting relationship with their audience. Sustained collaborations between creators and brands could become more prevalent as brands seek to partner with key opinion leaders for extended periods. Such long-term collaborations could result in more authentic content and greater brand impact. As creators utilize their partner’s products or services over a longer period of time, audiences can gain a deeper understanding of the brand’s value proposition on a continual basis. Moreover, ongoing conversations about collaboration with their followers could provide the creators with increasingly valuable insights. Thus, influencers may evolve into genuine brand ambassadors, offering companies relevant feedback for new product development and marketing communication.


With consumers increasingly seeking authentic and relevant content from real people, marketers may shift their focus towards collaborations with nano- and micro-influencers. These content creators, who typically have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers, often have highly engaged audiences, despite not being compensated. Due to their smaller scale, these influencers possess a unique ability to connect with their community, which can translate into significant influencing power. As a result, consumers tend to trust their expertise, product reviews, and recommendations. By using smaller influencers at a broader level, brands can target niche audiences, raise awareness, and boost sales performance.

Diversity and Inclusion

Integrating diversity and inclusion into influencer marketing strategies has proven to have tangible benefits for businesses. Research from Harvard Business Review indicates that companies with more diverse leadership teams tend to be more innovative and achieve higher financial returns. Similarly, campaigns featuring diverse influencers are more likely to resonate with a broader audience, leading to increased brand awareness and customer loyalty. In addition to the potential business benefits, promoting diversity and inclusion in influencer marketing can contribute to creating a more representative and inclusive society. By partnering with a diverse group of influencers, brands can play a role in challenging harmful stereotypes while driving positive social change through profit. Given the current focus on issues of representation and inclusivity in public discourse, it is crucial for brands to consider the impact of this advertising strategy.


Both influencers and consumers recognize that authenticity is a crucial aspect of successful brand collaborations. Influencers have a specialized audience that values their expert insights on specific topics, and followers trust their opinions to be genuine and well-informed. Unlike paid promotions, an influencer’s followers seek their honest opinions on industry-related topics. This is why authentic influencer placements and collaborations can be so effective in driving peer-to-peer action. When an influencer partners with a brand that aligns with their personal or professional values, consumers are more likely to view their opinions as trustworthy. Followers believe that the influencer genuinely supports the brand and promotes it as a courtesy to their like-minded audience. This transparency allows influencers to build their own legitimacy within their industry and establish a sense of trust with their followers, making influencer marketing an effective communication tool.

Video Content

Video content has the potential to become the most prominent type of content, as social media platforms prioritize and introduce new features such as live streaming. Video content must be enjoyable, interactive, and informative to capture and maintain the viewer’s attention. Given TikTok’s growth in user base, marketers should seize the opportunity to engage with younger audiences through short video formats.

Performance-Based Influencer Marketing

Brands are increasingly seeking performance-based influencer marketing, where influencers are paid based on specific performance metrics such as clicks, conversions, or sales. Performance-Based influencer marketing is expected to become more important, potentially overshadowing vanity metrics like the number of followers or online impressions. While many marketers have previously prioritized influencers with large followings, these metrics do not always translate into business results. In the coming year, content quality and influencer alignment with brand values are likely to take precedence. Brands may seek influencers with strong and engaged communities, industry knowledge, and a track record of creating impactful content. Additionally, measuring return on investment (ROI) and brand impact could become crucial key performance indicators (KPIs) for assessing the effectiveness of influencer campaigns.

In Summary

By partnering with the right influencer and providing creative freedom, brands can create authentic content that resonates with their followers thereby increasing sales

Given the significant amount of time consumers spend on social media, it’s anticipated that influencer marketing will thrive despite current economic concerns. To achieve success, it will be crucial for companies to establish a clear influencer marketing strategy that incorporates various types of content creators and measurable goals across multiple channels. To enhance the effectiveness of their creator initiatives this year, marketing teams should explore and adapt to these six trends.

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