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Designing with Words: The Art of UX Writing for Effortless User Navigation

Oct 8, 2024
Digital Marketing
by Kerri Frederick
ux writing

It is the artfully chosen words that frame every interaction as people navigate through the digital world. Sometimes referred to as microcopy, UX writing is an art of subtlety: crafting written content in a manner that helps the user make his or her way through digital experiences with clarity, efficiency, and delight at every touch and turn.

What is UX Writing?

From button labels to 404 error messages, every single word is carefully crafted to make the user’s experience as smooth and comfortable as possible. UX writing is about using words for specific purposes, so they can actually create coherent and enjoyable digital experiences that culminate in engagement and satisfaction.

UX Writing Tips and Best Practices

Clarity is Key: The primary role of UX writers is to communicate to their audience clarity and concision. Immediately, users should be able to identify what each element in an interface wants them to do. Avoid using jargon, ambiguity, and unnecessary words. In UX writing, every word counts; use them judiciously. Take a look at our collaboration with Movement Strategy, a social media agency, and how we maintain their messaging.

movement strategy

Provide Contextual Help: Anticipate users’ questions and doubts, and provide contextual help and guidance where needed. Support users with tooltips and inline hints without overloading them. Give users independence to deal on their own with an interface, while extension of support is allowed where it is most needed.

Understand Your Audience: Great UX writing is all about truly understanding who your audience is. What are their needs, goals, and pain points? Adopt the language and tone which speak best to your users-be they tech-savvy professionals or everyday consumers. Being empathetic is the basis of excellent UX writing. See how our collaboration with Spring Health, a mental health platform, needed to understand where the user was coming from in order to apply reassuringly supportive language to the way one navigates this platform.

spring health
UX writing isn’t just about the words themselves; it’s about understanding the conversation you’re having with your users at every touchpoint. It’s the voice that guides them through your website, clarifies confusing elements, and ultimately, builds trust and keeps them engaged.”


– Kirill Davis, UX Design Lead

Iterate and Test: UX writing is iterative. Never stop gathering user feedback through usability testing, surveys, and analytics. Observe how your users will interact with your copy and iterate based on their feedback. A/B testing will help you to determine which wording best resonates with your audience.

Maintain Consistency: Consistency builds familiarity, trust, and credibility. Stick to your regular tone, style, and terminology to create a consistent user experience with messaging that is consistent. Consistent microcopy reduces cognitive load and enhances usability. Users know what to expect from each interaction.

Focus on Action: UX writing guides the user on an action that they have to perform. Use overt, active text in buttons, labels, and prompts to tell users what they are supposed to do next. Instead of vague terms such as “Click here” or “Submit,” give context and clarity to specific instructions like “Sign up for free” or “Complete your profile.” A good example of this can be viewed in our work with Semperis.


Stay Human: Strive for clarity and efficiency, but don’t let the microcopy become soulless. Inject the human element with personality, humor, and empathy into it. Make the users’ experience memorable and fun, for with every click, a real person is behind that click, possessing feelings and expectations.

Collaborate with Designers and Developers: UX writing lives together, not alone. Therefore, ample collaboration with designers and developers will ensure the words interact in cohesion in the overall design of the user interface. Communication and understanding are part of the bond that keeps digital experiences cohesive and harmonious. Take a look at how we seamlessly marry UX writing with the rest of the Wave of Change digital presence.

In Conclusion

The art of crafting UX writing is a tender balance that requires knowledge of linguistics, empathy, and sensitivity to design. Paying attention to clarity, empathy, consistency, and action will get you microcopy that guides users through your product and enhances their experience of it. Keep experimenting and reiterating on how you do UX writing, and remember this: great UX writing isn’t about the words; it’s about creating meaningful connections between users and technology.

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