should you follow design trends?
  • Creative and Branding

Should you Follow Design Trends?

From responsive web design to the explosion of minimalism and the rise of video content, design trends have shaped the way we engage with our audiences. But how important is…

  • Website Design and Development

Going Headless: A New Normal for Your Digital Architecture

biometric security
  • News and Trends, Privacy and Security

The Rise of Biometric Security

Biometric security, a concept rooted in the uniqueness of an individual’s biological and behavioral characteristics, has made significant strides in recent years. From fingerprint recognition to facial scanning and voice…

kinetic type big drop inc
  • Creative and Branding

Kinetic Typography: Is it Worth It?

Staying ahead of the digital design curve is a critical imperative for businesses looking to make a lasting digital impression. One design trend that has been making waves in recent…

Big tech's foray into finance is a data-driven revolution, where the DNA loop of user data, network effects, and user activity is reshaping the financial landscape."

— Kaity Ayuso Big Drop's Business Development Manager
  • Digital Marketing

The Balancing Act of Email Marketing

  • Digital Marketing, News and Trends

Is PayPal the Key to More Conversions and Higher Spend?

  • Website Design and Development

The Power of Microinteractions: Enhancing User Engagement Through Thoughtful Design

  • Website Design and Development

Eco-Friendly Web Design: Sustainable Practices for a Greener Online Presence

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