Is Offline Shopping Dead?
  • News and Trends

Is Offline Shopping Dead?

Covid’s Effect on E-Commerce  The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly changed our daily lives, with little prospect of reverting anytime soon. When it comes to the world of digital, we can…

Future Without Cookies
  • Digital Marketing, News and Trends

A Future Without Cookies

You may have heard of Google’s plan to phase out third-party cookies on their Chrome browser, which have long been the gold standard for user-tracking technology. The browser will stop…

The New Age oThe New Age of UX Design: VR & ARf UX Design: Augmented Vs. Virtual Reality
  • News and Trends

The New Age of UX Design: VR & AR

The Importance of User Experience in Virtual Reality Interest in Virtual Reality (VR) and the metaverse are not new. The first attempts to create a three-dimensional Internet arose in 1995….

Aaron Sines, Vice President at Big Drop
  • News and Trends

Big Drop’s Best: Aaron, Vice President

Tell us about a project you’re working on. Big Drop is very proud to be taking on the new Bank of China digital presence. In a rapid departure from the…

Susan Nelsom, Human Resources at Big Drop
  • News and Trends

Big Drop’s Best: Susan,
Human Resources

Tell us about a project you’re working on. I’m currently creating and implementing a new 360 performance management system which will incorporate employee goals and career growth. If you had…

Andre Lindo, Senior Design Project Manager at Big Drop
  • News and Trends

Big Drop’s Best: Andre, Senior Design Project Manager

Tell us about a project you’re working on. It’s always great to partner with other agencies that work within different industries or proficiencies than we do. Provides an insight to…

Chelsea Catherman, Senior Digital Project Manager at Big Drop
  • News and Trends

Big Drop’s Best:
Chelsea, Senior Digital Project Manager

Tell us about a project you’re working on. A healthcare company is almost ready to launch a new site under a brand identity refresh. It’s been a blast working with…

Vitaliy Kononov, COO/CTO at Big Drop
  • News and Trends

Big Drop’s Best:
Vitaliy, COO/CTO

Tell us about your role at Big Drop. With a focus on IT, Finance, HR, Operations, Communications, Change and Risk Management; I oversee the day-to-day administrative and operational functions of…

James Weiss, Director of Account Strategy & Client Service at Big Drop
  • News and Trends

Big Drop’s Best: James, Director of Account Strategy & Client Service

Tell us about a project you’re working on. Our team recently launched the e-commerce portion of a former purely-informational site that featured extensive animation. Within the first week of launch,…

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