Web Design In

Client-focused and data-driven. Big Drop makes sense of your complicated website development and design needs and turns them into actionable plans. Creating digital experiences that encourage engagement. Are future-proof. And get you the results you want.

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We've earned some great
awards along the way.

Awwwards 15
The WEBBY awards 02

Experiences We've Created

A selection of web design, development and brand projects showing off some of our best work with companies in the telecom, finance, technology and entertainment industries.

Altice Mobile

Digital Marketing, Web Design, Website Development


Web Design, Website Development, Wordpress

Build California

Web Design, Website Development, WooCommerce, Wordpress


Web Design, Website Development, Wordpress

Our Capabilities

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Stakeholder/User Research & Discovery

Before a single pixel is created by our Austin web design team. Before a single line of code written. You need to know the who, what and why of your website.

  • Who are your site’s users?
  • Why are they coming to your site and what do they want from it?
  • What do you want them to do on your site?
  • What has success looked like in the past and what do you want it to look like in the future?
  • What might be stopping users from doing what they/you want and what can we do to make it easier?

To get these answers, we’ll dive deep into your business. We’ll look for the obvious and not so obvious.

We’ll challenge your assumptions.

Think all your leads are coming from one persona? We let the data speak for itself and adjust accordingly.

What is the research process like?

01. Stakeholder Interviews

We’ll talk to all your company stakeholders:

  • What does your product research team need the site to do?
  • What does your sales team need?
  • Is there a membership component? What are their requirements?
  • Do you need to drive more leads? Or is engagement more important?

02. Acquisition Channel Research

  • Where is your web traffic coming from?
  • What are other digital traffic sources we can tap into?

03. User Research

  • Heat mapping. What does the user experience look like? Where are they entering? Where are they lingering? Where are they leaving?
  • Google Analytics. How long are users spending on your site? Are they bouncing immediately? What is the site load time and how does it correspond to user behavior?
  • User reviews. Are people satisfied with their site visit? Did they accomplish their goal? Do they express frustration?

04. Competitor Analysis

  • What are your competitors doing that is working and what can we learn?

See our latest web design and development projects.

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A city that has been voted one of the top 5 places to live in America for four years in a row understands the importance of good user experiences.

And the best way to ensure onsite engagement and conversions is through a user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) that’s human-driven, intuitive and backed by data.

At Big Drop, our web development Austin team doesn’t spend time guessing what might work. To create a strong UX and UI design, we employ a suite of technical and analytical tools to research, build and optimize user experiences.

How do we enhance the user experience?

There are four main components:

  • Usability – Does the site do what customers expect and want it to do?
  • Design – Is the site pleasing to the eye?
  • Accessibility – Can everyone use the site regardless of special needs?
  • Speed – Is the site fast enough to support all of the above without frustrating the user?

Our job as a top web development company in Austin is to make sure customers answer yes to those questions.

What goes into an optimal User Interface?

A good user interface is more than an appealing visual design. Want to get a yes to the questions above? Then your UI needs to be easy to understand and use.

Before we ever start thinking about design, we map out the information architecture and user flows that make up the skeleton of your site.

  • What content needs to be on your site?
  • In what order do you want people to consume the information?
  • What’s the fastest, most efficient way to get them from point of entry to task completion?

The answers to these questions determine your UI. But an optimized UI is about more than usability. It’s also where your company brand and voice meet user research and information architecture. A good UI:

  • Looks great and helps tell your brand story
  • Feels natural to use and provides easy-to-follow navigation
  • Operates without any problems

Our in-depth research process and knowledge of psychology behind what makes a good user experience, combined with our superb User Interface design skills make us one of the best companies for high-performing website development in Austin.

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Website Design in Austin

You’ll only find the best of the best in Austin.

Why has Big Drop won so many website design awards?

It’s simple, really. We believe that good web design combines compelling aesthetics, user-driven functionality and cutting-edge technology.

Just want pretty visuals? There are plenty of other Austin companies that can do that for you.

At Big Drop we go beyond the surface. Yes, a good-looking website creates a sense of legitimacy. But to win the hearts and minds of your customers, you need more than that. Our designs are based on a full analysis of what your company is trying to accomplish.

  • What are your KPIs?
  • What do your customers need?
  • How important are conversions vs. engagement?

Without putting the user first, design is nothing but a pretty face. And Austinites are tech-savvy enough to recognize a paint job when they see one. That’s the reason the creative direction for the visual design comes last in our 5-step process.

Every single decision we make, including down to the last pixel, is tied to the research we do into the users we’re creating your site for, the experience you want them to have, and the functionality you need the site to offer.

A Collaborative Design Process

Like everything we do, the web design and development process is collaborative. We welcome your ideas and involvement from start to finish.

You’re the guide that keeps us on track as we work to create a brand and website that creates the emotional connection you want your customers to have. Doesn’t matter if you prefer something minimalist or a futuristic look that wouldn’t feel out of place at SXSW. You’ll work with your creative team to:

  • Develop color schemes and mood boards
  • Create storyboards that tell your story visually
  • User test your creative vision to ensure it aligns with user expectations and your goals

Mobile-Friendly Website Design

More than 50% of all global web traffic comes from mobile phones. Regardless of where your customers are in the world, we’ll make sure your site is responsive. Whether phone, laptop or desktop, your site will automatically resize — without losing content, design or functionality.

Whether your customers are working in an office in Silicon Hills or checking out your site during a Texas Longhorns game, they’ll get the full experience.

Shouldn’t a city like Austin, that has earned so many of its own awards have an award-winning website design agency at its fingertips?

When you’re ready, get in touch with us for the best website design in Austin.

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Web Development in Austin

What would Austin be without its Tex-Mex restaurants and music festivals?

Just like any other city, right?

And nobody wants “just like any other.” Not for your city, and certainly not for your website. We’ll work hard to guarantee it’s not.

Customized for You, From the Ground Up

We start from scratch with every piece of your site. From brand development to User Interface architecture, and even including add-ons like mobile apps and e-commerce.

Just looking for a simple facelift of your web design? Austin has other companies for that.

But if you’re looking for a full, in-depth analysis into who you’re creating your site for and what you want your users to do, and then building a design based on that? That’s what you’ll get when you work with us.

  1. Who – Our development process starts with identifying who your website is for. Who are the internal stakeholders? Who are the users?
  2. Why – We’ll conduct in-depth market research on your industry and competitors, interview internal stakeholders and users to find out the why behind what’s been done, what has and hasn’t worked and what’s still needed.
  3. What – Using our research to guide us every step of the way, we’ll design a comprehensive roadmap to meet your objectives. We’ll figure out what the key features and user experiences need to be. What the structure of the user interface should look like. And which add-ons will help you drive conversions.
  4. How – During our development and execution phase we’ll figure out how to do everything we’ve mapped out. We’ll develop sophisticated and custom elements that deliver on your brand promise and drive business.

What about e-commerce and mobile app development?

Not every website needs e-commerce and mobile app functionality. But rest assured, if you need it, we can do it.

E-commerce: No matter where your customers reside. Regardless if they’re stay-at-home workers or road warriors, you can give them the benefits of an in-store experience on the go.

But making a killer e-commerce site isn’t as easy as it sounds. You’ll need strong UI and UX, along with clear messaging and strong calls to action. Then add on lightning-fast page loads and mobile responsive design.

As a top-rated web design firm in Austin, Texas, we’ll ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Whether you need to sync up with Magento, WooCommerce, or Shopify, we’ve got the know-how to get it done. We’ll even make sure you’ve got a customer retention plan that includes promotional, abandoned cart, and retargeting marketing tools.

Mobile Apps: Are your users spending a lot of time on their phones?

If so, you might want a mobile app to help you build a connection, create engagement and increase conversions. Not sure what an app can do for you? We’ve got lots of ideas. How about offering loyalty program perks, early-bird discounts, or on-demand services.

At Big Drop, you’ll find the best omnichannel web development Austin has to offer. Check out our portfolio to see what’s possible.

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Digital Marketing in Austin

With its focus on cutting-edge technology and an entrepreneurial spirt and energy, anything is possible in Austin, Texas. But to get the word out about your latest, greatest creation, you need a marketing team that excels at making connections with the right people, at the right time, with the right message.

Whether you’re looking to supplement your in-house team or you need a full-service digital marketing agency to do it for you, Big Drop can help. We offer a full suite of customizable digital marketing solutions. Backed by data and driven by your specific goals.

Our capabilities include:

  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • SEM/Lead generation
  • SEO
  • Social media marketing
  • Branding

A Comprehensive Marketing Plan

Digital marketing is more than the sum of its parts. But to get the full effect, you need to focus on more than one piece of the puzzle. SEO alone won’t grow your business. Branding without depth feels shallow. Social media marketing without a strategic plan falls flat.

At Big Drop, we know your digital marketing strategy needs to be comprehensive in order to capture, engage and convert your target audience. Even more importantly, our plans are designed to complement our award-winning website design. It’s what makes us one of the best digital agencies in Austin, Texas.

Our promise to you? A unique, customized approach that accurately assesses and creatively responds to your business needs and target customer base.

Our surefire, five-step process gets you in front of your target audience, builds brand awareness and trust, and drives people to take the action you want.

  1. Market Research
  2. Collaborate
  3. Strategize
  4. Execute
  5. Optimize

We’ll work with you to identify both short- and long-term goals. Then, combining user research with the best practices we’ve been perfecting for the last 8 years and a human-first approach, we’ll craft a future-proof, multi-channel marketing plan.

But the work doesn’t stop there. Not only will we take care of the messaging and the creative assets, we’ll monitor and adjust the strategy on the go to consistently improve your ROI.

Are you ready to take your digital marketing to the next level? Team up with the best web development company in Austin by contacting us today.

Success Stories

Big Drop helped us reimagine our web presence. We collaborated on the best approach to using our website to attract visitors and capture leads. They were a true partner and listened while giving us the full benefit of their experience. We could not be happier with the finished product!
Chief Strategy Officer JConnelly
I have been working with Big Drop for about a year now, their redesign for our website was beautiful and interactive. Their project managers for both design and development were very easy to work with and had amazing response time for changes that needed to be made. I would highly recommend!
Digital Project Manager Moroccanoil
Undertaking the design and development of a new website is always a challenge, but Big Drop knows the process inside and out and steers their clients artfully. They were knowledgeable and made great recommendations based on users' habits and industry trends.
Marketing Manager Miller Kaplan

Got a Project or Partnership in Mind?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I work with you instead of a web development company in Austin?

Austin is one of the fastest growing tech hubs in the United States. With companies like Google, Facebook, PayPal and Intel pitching their tents in Silicon Hills, there’s little reason for an Austin-based company to look beyond its borders for a simple website design.

But Big Drop doesn’t do simple website design. We’re a multi-channel digital marketing agency with an expertise in website development and visual design that’s earned us more than 30 awards.

Our experience competing head-to-head with some of the largest agencies in New York City gives us an edge that’s allowed us to pick up nationally known clients like AMC, Citi, Dataiku, Samsung Next and Eloan.

Now, with a location (and our vice president of development) in Austin, we’re bringing our award-winning web design to your doorstep.

How long does it take Big Drop to design and develop a website?

That depends on the scope of your project but most of the time you won’t find the fastest website design in Austin at Big Drop.

That’s because we don’t believe in rushing the process. Other web developers rely on best practices to speed up their process. We back-up best practices with the research and data that lead to better ROI.

The UX research and discovery process alone can take up to 1 month for larger companies. From start to finish, it generally takes 3 to 6 months to design, develop and build your website. The more complex the site, the longer the build.

What types of companies does Big Drop have experience working with?

Big Drop is a digital marketing agency that understands many industries including technology, healthcare, finance, telecom and media. Our clients include one of the largest healthcare systems in New York State; a leading broadband Internet, phone and cable provider in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut; and Citi, one of the largest banks in the U.S.

We’ve worked with dozens of SaaS companies, along with businesses making waves in machine learning and AI. We’ve helped some of New York City’s largest media companies show off their expertise. And worked with national wellness brands to engage new customers through brand storytelling.

Some of our proudest moments come from helping NGOs make the world a better place. For The Ocean Cleanup, we designed a streamlined website with e-commerce functionality and custom 2D animations to educate and engage donors with the organization’s latest efforts to clean the ocean.

How do you decide what goes into the design of a website and do we have any say in the process?

At Big Drop, we know we can create digital experiences that satisfy the needs of your company stakeholders and your users. To do this, we must first determine the objectives of each group. We conduct intensive background research to inform our design and development choices.

We welcome – and encourage – you to participate in the process. We know that you value us for the consultative direction we can give you based on our experiences. And we value you for the in-depth knowledge of your company and your needs that no one else can provide. You know what your brand is and how you want people to feel; we help you get there.