Web Design Company in Dallas

Your one-stop shop for website design, brand development, and digital marketing services in Dallas, Texas.

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awards along the way.

Awwwards 15
The WEBBY awards 02

Experiences We've Created

What can we do for you? Take a look at some of our best website design, development and brand projects with companies in the telecom, finance, real estate, technology, and entertainment industries.

Altice Mobile

Digital Marketing, Web Design, Website Development


Web Design, Website Development, Wordpress

Build California

Web Design, Website Development, WooCommerce, Wordpress


Web Design, Website Development, Wordpress

Our Capabilities

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Stakeholder/User Research & Discovery in Dallas

In order to make a satisfying, crunchy Frito Pie, you need all the right ingredients. Forget the jalapenos, onions, or (heaven forbid) Fritos and you’re going to end up with disappointed taste buds.

It’s the same with your web design and development. Success is in the details and you need the right ingredients if you want to make your customers happy. But to figure out which pieces of the puzzle you need, you must first determine the who, what, and why of your website.

  • Who will be using your website?
  • Why will they be using it?
  • What do you want them to do?

But at Big Drop, we don’t stop at answering the most obvious questions.

To figure out the perfect website for you and your users, we’ll dive deep into your industry and your business. We’ll challenge your assumptions, look at what’s been successful in the past, and, more importantly, where your online presence has fallen short.

We’ll analyze every bit of data we can gather. From the obvious to the not so obvious. Then use these findings to create a comprehensive strategy, no matter which web design services you need. From website design, mobile app development, and brand building to social media marketing, pay per click campaigns, and content and email marketing.

There aren’t many other companies in Dallas that go as deep as we do.

What is Big Drop’s research process?

Step 1. Stakeholder Interviews

  • Who are the project stakeholders?
  • What does each stakeholder expect of the project?
  • What are their Key Performance Indicators? (leads, online sales, user engagement, etc.)

Step 2: User Research

  • Google Analytics
    • How many unique visitors does your site get and how long do they spend on your site?
    • What is the bounce rate?
    • How do most users navigate through the site? What is their user journey?
  • Heat Maps
    • Are users interacting with your web pages?
    • Which links do they click on?
    • How far down do users scroll?
  • User Reviews
    • What are the most common complaints?
    • Do users report achieving their goals?
    • What do they like about your website?

Step 3: Acquisition Channel Research

  • How do your users find your website?
  • Do they come from search results, social media, email marketing?
  • Which sources of digital traffic are you not tapping into and how can we take advantage of them?

Step 4: Competitor Analysis

  • Who are your main competitors?
  • What does their online presence consist of?
  • What are they doing well that we can learn from?
  • Where are they falling short, so that we can take advantage of the opportunity?

Your move, Dallas. (You too, Fort Worth!) Get in touch today to discuss what we can do for you.

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UX/UI in Dallas

When all is said and done, your business success is tied to your ability to satisfy your customers’ needs and expectations. If the product is great, but the customer service is awful, sales will suffer. This is as true of your online presence as it is offline.

If your website leaves your users frustrated or confused. If they can’t navigate the site. Or find the info they were looking for. Or figure out how to make a purchase. They’re leaving and never coming back.

Want to prevent that from happening?

You need a user experience (UX) that’s intuitive, easy to navigate, and delivers on your customers’ expectations. And that takes extensive research and analysis — and more than a little empathy.

That’s what you get when you work with Big Drop. We believe that user experience is at the heart of all great web design and development. Our comprehensive user research and analysis process, combined with our extensive user interface design expertise make us your best choice for website design in Dallas. How do we enhance the user experience?

What is Big Drop’s core UX proficiencies?

Our User Experience expertise includes:

  • User Flow Analysis
  • Interface Design
  • Workflow Design
  • Conversion Mapping
  • Visual Design

What is an optimal User Experience?

  1. Usability
    How easy is your site to use? Can users navigate from their point of entry onto your website to their desired goal without jumping through hoops or wasting time “exploring”?
  2. Design
    Though good UX is more than just pretty visuals, an attractive website does build credibility with the user. Site design also sets the personality tone for who your business is as a brand.
  3. Speed
    Slow site speed is one of the most commonly cited reasons for a bad user experience. We’ll make sure your users never have to wait for any piece of your site to load.
  4. Accessibility
    Is your site ADA compliant? You don’t want to lose customers because they can’t use your site.

How does User Interface (UI) design fit into UX?

You simply can’t provide users a good experience on your website without an intuitive, easy-to-use user interface.

All that great content. The pretty visuals and lightning-fast page load times. None of it means anything if your customers can’t figure out how to get from point A to point B on your site. A good user interface provides obvious navigation. So, site visitors can get from their point of entry to the next logical step easily and quickly.

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Website Design in Dallas

Your website needs to engage users, communicate your brand promise, and raise the awareness of your products or services. It’s the cornerstone of your entire online presence. All roads lead to it. If it isn’t compelling, easy to understand, and easy to navigate, your potential customers will go elsewhere.

At Big Drop, we design websites that maintain the balance between graphic design and functionality. Between your users’ needs and your business goals. And, most importantly, between human-driven empathy and scientific analysis.

And we do it all by keeping the process as straight-forward and simple-for-you as possible. Our proven methodology blends user research, technology, and creativity to develop websites that rank well in search results, capture the attention of your website visitors, and, ultimately, drive conversions. It’s what makes our websites award winning. And why we’re able to deliver on your vision and your digital goals like no other website design company in Dallas.

What goes into Big Drop’s award-winning website design?

Just looking for a basic web design agency in Dallas? Dallas is spoiled for choice.

But basic web design isn’t what we do at Big Drop and it’s not why our clients choose us.

At Big Drop, we go beyond basic. Beyond pretty visuals and storefront, static websites that don’t encourage engagement and loyalty. Because we know, to win the hearts and minds of your customers, you need more than basic.

You need a strategy developed with your customers’ needs in mind. A user interface that is intuitive and doesn’t leave your customers lost in an online maze. And, yes, a pretty design your users will love.

Our web design and development process takes into account the three main drivers of digital success:

  • What are your business goals?
  • Who are your users and what do they need?
  • What is the fastest way to move users through their customer journey?

Without the answers to these questions, our team of graphic designers and web developers can’t even begin to think about your visual design.

How collaborative is the design process?

That’s entirely up to you. We’ve got years of website design experience and knowledge we’d love to share with you. But we know the best websites are the result of a productive exchange of ideas and we welcome your ideas and involvement. From start to finish.

Through careful one-on-one consultation, we’ll work with you to determine what your business goals are, what your brand promise is, and what type of visuals will work best for you and your target audience. Would modern, minimalism work best? Or would big and bold serve better?

Throughout the process, it’s your guidance that keeps us on track. Our only goal is to meet your vision and your needs.

Will our website be mobile-friendly?

Absolutely. With more than half of all digital traffic coming from mobile devices, we’ll make sure your customers can use your website no matter what type of device they’re on.

Working in an office in downtown Dallas or checking out your website while enjoying cheese fries and a Coke at Snuffer’s, your customers will get the full experience.

When you’re ready, get in touch with us for the best website design in Dallas.

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Website Development in Dallas

Big things happen in Dallas.

They should be happening for your business too. And, to do that, you need a website that’s as individual, customer-driven, and future-focused as your company.

Forget websites that blend into the crowd. You want one that stands out, as much for its design as for its user focus.

Customized for you, from start to finish.

At Big Drop, we start from scratch with every piece of your website development. From branding, graphic design, and user experience mapping to add-ons like mobile apps and e-commerce.

Just looking for simple website design? Dallas/Fort Worth has other design agencies for that.

But if you want a web design company in Dallas that provides in-depth analysis into who your users are and what they need from you, as well as what you need the site to do, and then develop your web presence based on that? That’s what you get when you work with us.

We go beyond status quo industry best practices. Our websites help companies maintain a competitive edge by prioritizing user research, so that everything we do is informed by robust data. Not guesswork.

That means:

  • defining and categorizing the needs of all your users — customers, internal stakeholders, and target audience, alike
  • building a customized, comprehensive blueprint to meet all their needs as well as your business objectives, including: what functionality your site needs, what the user journey through the site should look like, and what add-ons might drive conversions

Combine this with compelling aesthetics and cutting-edge technology, and we know you’ll love your new website.

Speaking of add-ons, can Big Drop do e-commerce and mobile app development?

Our services go far beyond building storefront websites. As a top-rated website design company in Dallas, we can provide everything your website needs to grow with your business. Including e-commerce and mobile app functionality.

E-commerce: Whether your customers are checking out your site from their Lakewood home office, during a home Cowboys game, or while power lunching it Uptown, you can provide them with an in-store buying experience on the go. But developing a sales-boosting, easy-to-use e-commerce site takes specialized expertise. You’ll need a strong user experience and intuitive user interface, along with clear messaging and compelling calls to action. Not to mention a mobile responsive design and lightning-fast page load times.

We’re one of the most sought-after web agencies in Dallas because we make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Need your site to sync up with WooCommerce, Shopify, or Magento? Our web developers have the know-how to get it done. We’ll even make sure you’ve got the right abandoned cart and retargeting tools you need to ensure your conversion rate is as high as possible.

Mobile Apps: Do your users spend a lot of time on their phones? While not every business needs a mobile app, almost all can benefit from one. Mobile apps help you expand your connection with your customers, build engagement, and increase conversions.

Not sure what a mobile app can do for you? Our web developers have tons of ideas, from on-demand services to loyalty program perks and mobile-app-only deals.

At Big Drop, you’ll find the most comprehensive web development Dallas has to offer. Take a gander at our portfolio to see what’s possible.

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Top Digital Marketing Agency in Dallas

Ready to generate some buzz for your business and grow your customer base?

At Big Drop, we offer digital marketing services that elevate your brand by connecting you with your ideal customer, at the right time, and with the right messaging. No matter where they prefer to hang out online.

Whether you need a full-service digital marketing agency for all your social media, email and content marketing needs. Or you’re looking to supplement your in-house team with SEO and pay-per-click experts. Big Drop offers a full suite of customizable digital marketing services that will fit your needs.

Big Drop’s marketing expertise includes:

  • SEM/Pay-per-click lead gen
  • Email marketing
  • SEO
  • Branding
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing

Comprehensive and Cross-channel

Digital marketing is more than the sum of its parts.

Your customers don’t differentiate between marketing platforms. You need to be able to provide a seamless experience as they encounter your brand throughout their digital journey, from Facebook and Instagram to their email inboxes.

That’s why an integrated approach to marketing is so important to your success. Your SEO needs to work in tandem with your branding. Your social media must complement your email marketing. Each one alone isn’t enough.

But being comprehensive isn’t just about being cross-channel.

Do you have multiple audience segments? We can tailor your marketing campaigns to match each customer persona, so you’re never speaking the wrong language to the wrong target.

Don’t yet have a robust online presence beyond your website? We’ll built a multi-pronged social media and content marketing plan that captures, engages, and converts new customers.

And we’ll do it all in a way that complements our award-winning website design.

It’s what makes us a top-rated web design company in Dallas.

5 steps to success.

Our surefire, five-step approach to digital marketing combines in-depth user research with the best practices we’ve perfected over the past near decade. Our plans will get you in front of your ideal target audience, build brand awareness, encourage trust and loyalty, and, ultimately, increase your per-customer ROI.

Step 1: Market research that identifies where your ideal audience hangs out online, what they already know and think about your brand, and what they want going forward.

Step 2: Hands-on, one-on-one brainstorming to identify your short- and long-term marketing goals and the actions we need your target audience to take in order to achieve them.

Step 3: Combining the results of Steps 1 and 2 with a human-first approach, we’ll craft your multi-channel digital marketing strategy.

Step 4: Execution time, from building the creative assets you need to setting up the technical functionality required to enact your strategy.

Step 5: The work doesn’t stop once we’ve executed. At Big Drop, we take an agile approach to our digital marketing services — adjusting your strategy and optimizing campaigns as we go to improve your ROI.

Success Stories

Big Drop helped us reimagine our web presence. We collaborated on the best approach to using our website to attract visitors and capture leads. They were a true partner and listened while giving us the full benefit of their experience. We could not be happier with the finished product!
Chief Strategy Officer JConnelly
I have been working with Big Drop for about a year now, their redesign for our website was beautiful and interactive. Their project managers for both design and development were very easy to work with and had amazing response time for changes that needed to be made. I would highly recommend!
Digital Project Manager Moroccanoil
Undertaking the design and development of a new website is always a challenge, but Big Drop knows the process inside and out and steers their clients artfully. They were knowledgeable and made great recommendations based on users' habits and industry trends.
Marketing Manager Miller Kaplan

Got a Project or Partnership in Mind?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I work with Big Drop instead of a local web design agency in Dallas?

Big Drop is an award-winning, multi-channel web design and development company with a deep expertise in user research, visual design, and online marketing that is unrivaled by most web design agencies. No matter where they’re located.

Our full-service offerings include website design, brand development, graphic design, social media marketing, mobile app creation, email and content marketing, and pay per click advertising.

Our experience competing head-to-head with some of the largest web design companies in New York City gives us an edge that’s allowed us to pick up nationally known clients like AMC Networks, Citigroup, and Eloan.

But, more importantly, our clients hire us because at our core we’re people pleasers. Our job is to ensure that your users, whether internal stakeholders or external customers, get what they need from your web presence. So that your business can grow and thrive.

You won’t find that level of expertise and customer commitment at any other web design company in Dallas.

How long does it take Big Drop to design and develop a website?

That really depends on the scope of your project, but we can tell you this. Most of the time, you won’t find the fastest website design in Dallas at Big Drop.

We don’t believe in rushing the process. And while other web developers in Dallas, Texas may use templates or take other shortcuts to make the process go faster, we won’t.

The user research alone can take up to 1 month for large companies. But that’s how you get things done right the first time.

From start to finish, we estimate it will take 3 to 6 months to completely research, design, and build your web presence. The more complex your online needs, the longer the build.

Do your plans include search engine optimization (SEO)?

Yes… and no. The technical side of SEO is always built into every website project we do at Big Drop. That means we ensure your site speed is fast and that your website has a clear internal linking structure. We make sure meta tags are in place and there’s an XML sitemap.

This ensures your website is crawlable so that search engines can find it.

Non-technical SEO, the more familiar keyword-based form of SEO that drives content marketing, is not included in our website design packages.

Keyword-based content is a separate add-on service that is included in our digital marketing services.

What industries does Big Drop have experience working with?

One of the top-rated companies for web development in Dallas, Big Drop has worked with businesses across almost every industry, including fintech, healthcare, real estate, e-commerce, and telecom, among many others.

Our clients range from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, and everything in between.

We’re well-versed in the world of SaaS and have worked with cutting-edge tech companies exploring the world of machine learning and AI. But we’re equally at home working with NGOs to make the world a better place.

Nationally known brands that have turned to us for help with their website design, brand strategy, and digital marketing include Citigroup, AMC Networks, Samsung Next, and the Samsung Strategy & Innovation Center.

We’re Big Drop. The best website design company in Dallas. Contact us today to see how we can help your business achieve digital greatness.