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Fhitting Room

FhittingRoom Website Design and Development

Fhitting Room is a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) studio delivering a total body workout throughout New York City. In addition, Fhitting Room provides a library of pre-recorded workouts with on-demand subscriptions and a weekly schedule of live at home classes.

Delivering the Benefits of Personal Training and the Power of Community

Fhitting Room seeked the help of Big Drop to design and develop their website. The goal of this engagement was to create a site that’s optimal for lead generation, engaging and easy to navigate while generating greater traffic and visibility.

In bringing the new digital presence to life, Big Drop set out to highlight the true value of Fhitting Room’s unique consumer experiences that fills a gap in the fitness industry; creating a way for everybody to reap the benefits of a one-on-one personal training session within a motivational group fitness setting. The website would be built as mobile responsive, optimizing content to solidify brand authority, creating a consistent design with a uniform appearance; showcasing Fhitting Room’s business offerings and community.

In order to easily convey who Fhitting Room is, we crafted an information architecture that seamlessly provides key information to target audience members; optimizing content to create a sense of community and show what Fhitting Room is all about. By bringing Fhitting Room’s premium positioning into fruition on the new digital presence, Big Drop provided engaging pathways for content to separate B2C and B2B users. These separate pathways were able to break up user journeys and keep them engaged, informed, and on the site longer.

After implementing an information architecture strategy that created the perfect pathways for users, we then focused on creating custom illustrations to remain visually engaging with interactive features. Through the use of iconography and other multimedia elements, we were able to break up text and keep users intrigued.

When focusing on lead generation, a primary objective for Fhitting Room was to create a user experience that clearly articulates their capabilities and guides users toward conversion. We redesigned the booking flow for a more intuitive and conversion-based process. In addition, we optimized content by creating a sense of community to convey who Fhitting Room is and what Fhitting Room does.

Through this engagement, Big Drop was able to provide Fhitting Room a high performing, mobile-responsive digital presence; supporting future growth and expansion. Through providing a highly robust, conversion-centered user journey, the new digital presence seamlessly guides B2C audience members toward CTAs while providing a separate pathway designing for B2B audience members.

Fhitting Room

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