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LUMA Partners

luma web design

LUMA is the leading investment bank focused on digital media and marketing. By leveraging LUMA's extensive industry knowledge and top-level connections with the most innovative leaders in digital, LUMA excels at linking solution-focused clients with the companies that are seeking to acquire them.

Strategic Advice for the Digital Age

In order to showcase their expertise as the leading M&A advisor for clients pursuing exits in the digital media and marketing sectors, LUMA enlisted the services of Big Drop to redesign and develop their website. The objective was to create a website that effectively communicates LUMA's capabilities and qualifications to drive the best outcomes for its clients.

As we brought LUMA's new digital presence to life, the goal was to showcase the true value of the firm. We aimed to demonstrate how LUMA builds objective credibility with the relevant industry buyer universe through a variety of thought leadership initiatives, including LUMAscape maps, industry presentations, market reports, podcasts, videos, and more. The objective was to create a valuable tool for LUMA to leverage for their clients to achieve superior outcomes.

We crafted user journeys that follow clear storylines to facilitate easy navigation and information discovery. These storylines convey both the company's overarching story and the specifics of LUMA’s M&A and advisory services in a way that's easy to digest and understand. We also emphasized LUMA's thought leadership, positioning it as an influential resource for the digital ecosystem. By bringing LUMA's premium positioning to life on its new digital presence, Big Drop provided engaging content and animations that solidified the firm's image as a category leader and highlighted its status as the most capable and qualified merger & acquisition advisor.

To create a website that fully embodies LUMA's unique personality, we infused its wit and charm into the overall look and feel of the site. We started by implementing an information architecture strategy that provided a clean foundation for the content. From there, we focused on creating dynamic custom illustrations and other multimedia elements to keep the site visually engaging and interesting for users. Through the use of iconography and other interactive features, we were able to break up the text and keep visitors engaged and informed, ultimately leading to longer time spent on the site.

One of LUMA's primary objectives was to showcase its thought leadership content. To achieve this, Big Drop utilized proof points and testimonials, as well as a robust information architecture, to evoke a sense of brand credibility and excitement among audience members. By keeping users engaged and informed as they were guided toward the Request a Demo CTA, we were able to increase the likelihood of conversion and drive results for LUMA.

Through our partnership, Big Drop created a robust digital presence for LUMA that also functions as a thought leadership hub. We achieved this by utilizing purposeful content, simplified navigation, and streamlined resource discovery, all while leveraging the best-in-class technology available. By combining these elements, we created a digital experience that truly showcases LUMA's position as the leading investment bank in the digital space.

LUMA Partners

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