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Movement Strategy

Movement Strategy Website Design and Development

Movement Strategy is a social-led creative agency, combining strategic creative with a deep understanding of the latest social features, tools and digital trends.

Design Meets Purpose

Prior to approaching Big Drop, Movement Strategy was in the midst of reimagining their brand positioning strategy. Throughout this process, Movement Strategy realized they needed to conduct a comprehensive review of their key target audience members and personas to fully recreate their digital presence. Working closely with Big Drop, Movement Strategy was seeking greater alignment with the individual needs of their target audience members. Together, we would create a new digital presence cohesive to the newly developed brand strategy, supporting the primary objective of effectively converting more leads.

To bring Movement Strategy’s new brand positioning into fruition, we conducted rigorous user R&D in parallel with the completion of branding exercises. The primary emphasis in terms of reaching key audience members would be creating user journeys conducive to user engagement and conversion. Movement Strategy required a streamlined digital solution to better present content to key audience members, positioning Movement Strategy as the leading social media agency.

To create a more engaging experience, Big Drop designed creative mock-ups for the homepage above the fold. By taking a Social First approach, Big Drop provided immersive and unique design elements built to capture Movement Strategy’s brand personality, showcase what Movement Strategy does, all while keeping users engaged and on the site longer.

In shifting the information architecture strategy, Big Drop created a digital experience with recirculation options to provide users with multiple opportunities to engage with content and proof points. By clearly presenting case studies and brand messaging alongside powerful infographics and exciting imagery, this site is built to promote information discovery and path users toward the CTA of getting in touch.

In terms of UX, Big Drop created a best in class user experience to further promote engagement and provide a high performing website. With conversion in mind, Big Drop worked closely with the Movement Strategy team to ensure each specific user’s needs and objectives were met with the right content at the right stage of their user journey when visiting the new digital presence.

After hours of in depth research & discovery, while fully immersing ourselves within the Movement Strategy brand, Big Drop was able to stay true to the roots of the Movement Strategy brand personality and provide a simplified UX layout. Overall, this site demonstrates a powerful conversion machine, combining unique design and a strategic IA to position Movement Strategy as a leader among social media agencies.

Movement Strategy

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