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Developers around the world use Nylas to quickly and securely build email, scheduling, and work automation features into their applications. With Nylas, developers at innovative companies get unprecedented access to rich communications data from their end-users, pre-built workflows that automate everyday tasks, embeddable UI/UX components for fast front-end development, and comprehensive security features - all delivered via a suite of powerful APIs that make integration easy.

Unlock the Power of Communications Data

Nylas seeked the help of Big Drop to rebrand, redesign, and redevelop the existing digital presence. One of the main objectives of this project was to develop a meaningful repositioning. Making the brand friendlier and happier. Another goal was to make Nylas’s style and messaging more humanistic, open, and approachable while appealing to a wider demographic.

In bringing Nylas’s new brand to life, Big Drop set out to highlight the true value of Nylas’s power connectivity and personalization through APIs. The website would be built as user friendly, optimizing content to make information easily digestible directly to customers.

In order to create user journeys conducive to information discovery, we implemented an information architecture strategy that conveyed a new logo, brand identity and visual appeal to create a friendlier look and feel. The new logo was driven by upward momentum, space, and travel. When bringing Nylas’s premium positioning into fruition, Big Drop provided engaging content and videos to tailor Nylas’s new image to a new market.

After implementing an information architecture strategy that would create a clean foundation for content, we then focused on creating dynamic custom illustrations to remain visually engaging with select interactive features. Through the use of iconography and other multimedia elements, we were able to break up text and keep users engaged, informed, and on the site longer.

When focusing lead generation, an objective for Nylas was to create a user experience that clearly articulates capabilities to audience members and guides users toward conversion. By creating a more humanistic approach when it came to style and messaging, Big Drop was able to evoke a sense of brand personality and excitement from audience members, keeping users engaged as they are pathed toward the “Start a Free Trial” CTA and eventual conversion.

Through this engagement, Big Drop was able to provide Nylas with a robust digital presence that doubled as a lead generation machine. Through updated brand guidelines, simplified navigation and resource discovery, and the optimization of best-in-class technology; Big Drop created a digital experience for Nylas to empower their audiences to accomplish more with seamless integrations.


3x Time savings vs. individual APIs

$1M+ Additional yearly revenue

150% Increase in ARR

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We collaborate with innovative brands to create cutting-edge digital experiences. Let's connect.