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Purple Knight

purple knight main hero image

Purple Knight, powered by Semperis, is an Active Directory security assessment tool built by identity security experts to close security gaps that leave your AD open to cyberattackers.

Uncovering Active Directory Vulnerabilities

Purple Knight sought the help of Big Drop to rebrand, redesign and redevelop its existing digital presence. The goal was to maintain the current brand equity while also modernizing the brand to make them more clear in what they do, who they are, and the tools they offer.

When Purple Knights' new digital presence came to life, Big Drop set out to highlight the true value of the brand, making sure this popular security assessment tool’s new brand still spoke to their current following while attracting new users as well. The website would be built mobile-friendly, optimizing content to make information easily digestible with an updated visual identity that presented a future-forward, dystopian look and feel.

When creating simplified user journeys, we implemented an information architecture strategy that conveyed Purple Knight’s messaging and updated their site to be more modernized and reinvigorating. By bringing Purple Knight’s premium positioning into fruition, Big Drop provided engaging content and animation to cultivate inspiring graphic effects and imagery.

After the implementation of user-first information architecture, Big Drop focused on creating dynamic, two-dimension duo tone custom illustrations to remain visually engaging with select interactive features. Through the use of iconography and other multimedia elements, we were able to break up text and keep users engaged, informed, and on the site longer.

A primary objective for Purple Knight was to create a user experience that clearly articulates their tool to audience members. Through usage of proof points and testimonials, in addition to robust information architecture, Big Drop was able to evoke a sense of brand credibility and excitement from audience members, keeping users engaged as they are pathed toward the Download Now CTA.

Through this engagement, Big Drop was able to provide Purple Knight with an updated brand and digital presence. Through purposeful content creation and usage, Big Drop created the perfect digital experience for Purple Knight.

Purple Knight

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