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watchwire website

WatchWire is a sustainability and energy management software-as-a-service (EMSaaS) provider. Across the globe, WatchWire helps commercial and corporate real estate portfolios, Fortune 500 industrial/manufacturing and big-box retail, government, healthcare, and educational facilities reduce emissions and expenses while simplifying sustainability and carbon reporting.

Simplifying Sustainability and Energy Data Management

WatchWire reached out to Big Drop to redesign and redevelop their existing website. The goal of this project was to create a best-in-class site that optimizes messaging points and highlights WatchWire’s products and benefits. In doing so, Big Drop set out to showcase Watchwire’s industry expertise and breadth of capabilities outside of energy management.

Big Drop's goal in creating WatchWire's new digital presence was to show prospects and clients the full value of WatchWire's utility data analytics platform and its unique selling proposition. The website was built to be mobile-friendly, with content optimized for ease of consumption and content presented in a way that stimulates discovery and conversion.

We implemented an information architecture strategy that conveyed both the company story and the product story in a clear, digestible manner in order to create user journeys conducive to information discovery. Big Drop provided engaging content and animation to cultivate the image of WatchWire as an energy management software-as-a-service (EMSaaS).

We focused on producing dynamic custom designs to remain aesthetically appealing after implementing an information architecture strategy that would offer a clean framework for content. We were able to break up content and keep users engaged, informed, and on the site longer by using graphics and other multimedia features.

The main goal for WatchWire when focusing on lead generation was to design a user experience that clearly articulates capabilities to audience members and guides them toward conversion. Big Drop was able to create an exciting yet professional look and feel that led audience members to proof points and testimonials, keeping them interested as they were pathed toward CTA's and eventual conversion.

Throughout this project, our team at Big Drop was able to provide WatchWire with a high-performing, mobile-responsive digital presence that doubled as a lead generation machine, supporting future growth and expansion. Through purposeful content usage, simplified navigation and resource discovery, and the optimization of best-in-class technology; Big Drop created a digital experience that showcases how WatchWire’s actionable insights empower teams to meet their sustainability goals.


3B+ Energy and Water Spend Under Management

1B+ Ft2 Under Management

19k Buildings Under Management

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